Interactive Map Information
The Community Map Maker is an online collection of Maps, Data, Tools, and Documents that allow team members to create interactive maps, dynamic StoryMap presentations, surveys, decision tools and more. These can be shared with and used by communities to better understand the energy opportunities around them and how those might interact with the social, environmental, and economic aspects of their community. These could include maps where community members can view different layers describing energy potential, infrastructure, developed, and natural areas. It could include an interactive story presenting video of a community’s shared experience with connections to maps, data, and tools related to that story. Or it could be an advanced Community Dashboard, creating an automated ‘infographic’ of community attributes and opportunities that updates as the user explores different communities.
Michigan Energy Map
The MiCARES team used the Community Map Maker to create the Michigan Energy Map - a public mapping tool of Michigan that allows users to see current locations of energy infrastructure, utility and political boundaries, demographics, environmental conditions. This serves as basic information that could be useful to any Michigan community or stakeholder seeking to understand the existing energy landscape. We are also working with partner communities on custom tools designed to inform decision-making about energy planning and zoning and about where to site renewable energy generation. These community-centered maps are works in progress and continue to evolve to meet the needs of partner communities.