This forthcoming book chapter, which is being included in an edited volume on energy democracy, describes the MICARES framework and highlights its relevance for promoting energy democracy. Abstract Energy democracy refers to an emergent social movement aimed at restructuring socio-technological system regimes and reimagining energy politics in a more socially just and economically equitable way. A...
This 2021 paper, published in Sustainability as part of a special issue organized by two MICARES project team members, reviews previous scholarship on socio-technological systems transitions, highlights the gaps left by these perspectives, and reviews how the MICARES framework offers a novel perspective for meaningful community engagement and incorporation of Indigenous and experiential knowledges...
This paper, published in Sustainability in 2021, applies the MICARES framework to considering how decision making regarding solar energy development can be informed by different community preferences and priorities, leading to different outcomes that all have potential to incude solar energy at various scales and forms of ownership. Abstract Solar photovoltaic (PV) energy technology can play a key...
This article, published in a special section of Energy Research and Social Sciences focused explicitly on the COVID-19 pandemic, argues that this public health crisis reveals multiple ongoing, underlying crises associated with social inequities and their linkages to accessing energy services and engaging in energy sovereignty. Abstract The global COVID-19 pandemic is a health crisis, an economic...
This 2020 paper, published in Solar Energy, considers how the concept of energy sovereignty can be used to assess current energy policy and inform future improvements in policy making. Abstract The concept of energy sovereignty redefines the priorities for decision making regarding energy systems while encouraging increased reliance on renewable energy technologies like solar. Energy sovereignty...